Fitness by Farzan

Fitness/workout ramblings from this San Franciscan bike enthusiast/Personal Trainer/Strength Training Professional/Coach/racer gal!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


there is nothing worse than getting the "evil eye"?

We all have heard that saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"...Yeah, but What about the evil eye? where does that one come in the picture?

Apparently the concept of the Evil Eye and the curses it brings is prevolent in many ancient cultures especially the Mediteranean and spread throughout Europe. No worries, there are plenty of talismans that can conteract the effects...

Hey, today it's just a way to express disgust. Nothing needs to be said when you get or give that eye.....So next time some car cuts you off or somebody does some stupid move while you're on your bike, refrain from cursing and just give "the eye"..who knows, if they don't have the right talisman, they may be up s**t creek.


Blogger Brent said...

Dang Nancy your arms were buffed in those old pics in your blog.

I feel like a wuss now!

10:40 AM  

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