Fitness by Farzan

Fitness/workout ramblings from this San Franciscan bike enthusiast/Personal Trainer/Strength Training Professional/Coach/racer gal!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The $20 flexibility secret......Yes, the oh-so-painful foam roll. It's "magic" is in the physiology of the Kinetic chain. The Kinetic chain is what we refer to as the soft tissue system (muscle, tendon, ligament and fascia), neural system (nerves and central nervous system) and articular system (joints).

The kinetic chain works as an integrated functional unit. If one part isn't doing its job, the other parts suffer. Muscle tightness can restrict joint ROM. Joint motion is altered and that changes the neutral feedback to the CNS. Ultimately neuromuscular efficency is compromised, which leads to poor movement patterns and then injury.

So, what can you do???? Buy one of these babies and start slowly rolling on one. The key is SLOW! for example: if you lay on your side and start at the hip, SLOWLY roll down your leg until you cross your knee. Put as much body weight pressure that you can handle. If (when) you find a spot that is tender (probably has adhesions) STAY on that spot for 20-30 sec. until it lets up and proceed down the leg. This is for the IT band (illiotibial tract) that is fascia that runs down the side of the leg. Most cyclists, runners, athletes, plain folks too can benefit from this....If you'd like more info, contact me via my website:


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