Fitness by Farzan

Fitness/workout ramblings from this San Franciscan bike enthusiast/Personal Trainer/Strength Training Professional/Coach/racer gal!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Ok, so I can't be on my bike and I decided to run a few 1/2 marathons this summer. Like any smart trainer, I know I've got a certain amount of time to prepare. I've been buliding my mileage (base) and now it's time for some speedwork...Holy s**t! Ok, these legs know how to ride circles, and somehow when I was out at the track with my friend/colleague trainer Dominic today, he said "you're going to run 4 100m's then 4 200 m's then 4 400m's" My legs kept telling my brain "this is not a bike, circles don't work, You need to go fast, you've got to pick your legs off the ground" and it was at first a bit of neuromuscular nightmare! But once the HR clicked up, the endorphins kicked in, it didn't seem to matter. Suffering is suffering and my body was used to (perhaps even welcoming the pain)......"It's good for me" I repeat in my head....If you can't be out there bike racing, making your lungs and legs burn oh-so-well, you may as well embrace the running. "Sure, Sure, Sure" my loyal cycling legs tell me...."Just wait til you're cleared by the Doc, you'll forget all about this running thing" Probably so, but in the meantime I am grateful that I can run.....but PLEASE don't tell that to my bikes :)


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